Aries – Rocking Out With The Ram

For the A-Z Blog Challenge, I’m focusing on astrology and crystals and how you can use them together to enhance your personal energy field or balance it out. I make custom astrological jewelry based upon the wearer’s Birth Chart.  Each piece is totally unique to each individual – as each chart is unique unless they were born at the EXACT same time and date and place as someone else.  To keep things simple here, I’m going to focus on Sun Signs only and maybe get into a little more detailed stuff later on.

“A” is for Aries.  Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac.  If  you were born between March 20 and April 21, you were born under the sign of THE RAM.  Aries people are a good time or a handful and sometimes both at the same time.  Some of their more fun attributes are their passion, their independent streak, their enthusiasm,  not to mention their ability to round up a posse (they’re great rabble-rousers).  Aries are really generous to their friends and loved ones, they’re fun-loving, adventurous, brave and can be fierce when crossed.

Aries can be challenging at times since they can be moody, impetuous, short-tempered, impatient and have been known to cut their nose off to spite their face only to regret it later.  Aries folks can get swept up in the excitement and enthusiasm of a new project only to let it fizzle out if it takes too long to complete it, Aries is already looking for the next thing to get going.  Some Aries can be self-involved and a little selfish and slow to let their guard down.  My best friend is an Aries, and we read somewhere that Aries is  “very easy perturbed but just as easily soothed,” and we LAUGHED and laughed, because that’s certainly true for her.  Like Leo, Aries has an ego, and may appear strong and impervious to everything, but deep down, like most of us, they have periods of insecurity and self-doubt; mostly because they set such a high bar for themselves.  Aries wants to be the best, and they want to be the one you love THE MOST.  Lucky for them, they make that kind of easy for the rest of us.

The traditional birthstone for March is Aquamarine and for April, Diamond.  Both of these stones are good for Aries (shoot, DIAMONDS are good for EVERYBODY).  Aries natural fiery energy can be enhanced with crystals such as Carnelian, Bloodstone, Pink Tourmaline, Citrine, and Fire Agate.

Clockwise from left, Carnelian, Pink Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Fire Agate, Diamond, Citrine and Bloodstone.

Clockwise from left, Carnelian, Pink Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Fire Agate, Diamond, Citrine and Bloodstone.

Crystals can also be used to balance Aries energy – stones for a cool head would include Fluorite and Lapis Lazuli.  To get in touch with emotions other than anger, Rose Quartz and Moonstone would be excellent.  Blue Lace Agate always helps to effectively communicate with others and would be especially helpful with Aries since they tend to lash out when offended or hurt, react harshly, then calm down later and feel remorseful but hate to apologize.  Avoid all that, carry Blue Lace Agate.

Top row: Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite, Rose Quartz Bottom Row: Moonstone and Blue Lace Agate

Top row: Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite, Rose Quartz
Bottom Row: Moonstone and Blue Lace Agate

Grounding stones are good for EVERYBODY, but especially our Aries friends who sometimes need to slow down and connect to the Earth.  Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Hematite, and Tiger Eye are all excellent grounding stones.

Top Row: Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Hematite. Bottom Row: Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye

Top Row: Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Hematite.
Bottom Row: Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye

So how do you use these crystals? You can wear them as jewelry, you can keep a tumbled stone (or several) in your pocket.  Place them on your nightstand as you’re sleeping or put them near you on your desk while working.  Make yourself a “mojo bag” by buying a small soft drawstring pouch and put your crystals in it for easy portability.

My friend Mary at Hands and Paws Reiki For All is an Advanced Crystal Master and she makes a mean mojo bag!

About leswatkins

Poet/singer/songwriter, Astrological Counselor, jewelry designer, Energy Healer/Medicine Woman, storyteller avid reader, crappy photographer, married mom of two rockerdudes, lover of life.
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4 Responses to Aries – Rocking Out With The Ram

  1. Mary Oquendo says:

    Thanks for the shout out. Very informative. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is your awesome jewelry. You make the best astrological necklaces.

  2. leswatkins says:

    Thanks, Mary!! I’m hoping to unveil my Sun Sign specific jewelry later on this month!

  3. lizzym34 says:

    Kat is an Aries. That explains a lot

  4. Gwen says:

    Love this! I patiently await, sort of patiently, Capricorn.

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